According to Token Unlocks data, MURA, MELANIA, FTN and other tokens will be unlocked in large quantities next week (the following are all Beijing time), including: Murasaki (MURA) will unlock approximately 20 million tokens, representing 2.00% of the current circulation and worth approximately $85.40 million, on February 23 at 8 a.m. Melania Meme (MELANIA) will unlock approximately 61.25 million tokens, representing 40.83% of the current circulation and worth approximately $81.50 million, on Fe...
据Token Unlocks数据显示,MURA、MELANIA、FTN等代币将于下周(以下均为北京时间)迎来大额解锁,其中: Murasaki(MURA)将于2月23日上午8点解锁约2000万枚代币,占现流通量的2.00%,价值约8540万美元; Melania Meme(MELANIA)将于2月20日上午8点解锁约6125万枚代币,占现流通量的40.83%,价值约8150万美元; Fasttoken(FTN)将于2月18日上午8点解锁约2000万枚代币,占现流通量的4.66%,价值约7860万...
On February 9th, Token Unlocks data revealed that CHEEL, CONX, SAND and other tokens will be unlocked in large quantities next week, including: Cheelee (CHEEL) will unlock about 20.80 million tokens worth about $169 million at 8:00 am Beijing time on February 13; Connex (CONX) will unlock about 4.33 million tokens at 8:00 am Beijing time on February 15, with a ratio of 376.3% to the current circulation and a value of about 87.80 million US dollars; The Sandbox (SAND) will be unlocked at 8:00 am ...
2月9日消息,Token Unlocks数据显示,CHEEL、CONX、SAND等代币将于下周迎来大额解锁,其中: Cheelee(CHEEL)将于北京时间2月13日上午8点解锁约2080万枚代币,价值约1.69亿美元; Connex(CONX)将于北京时间2月15日上午8点解锁约433万枚代币,与现流通量的比例为376.3%,价值约8780万美元; The Sandbox(SAND)将于北京时间2月14日上午8点解锁约2.05...
According to Token Unlocks data, FTN, IMX and other tokens will be unlocked in large quantities this week, including: Fasttoken (FTN) will unlock 20 million tokens at 8:00 on January 21, worth 76.20 million USD, accounting for 4.67% of the circulation; Metars Genesis (MRS) will unlock 10 million at 8:00 on January 22, worth $31.40 million, accounting for 11.87% of the circulation; Immutable (IMX) will unlock 24.52 million pieces at 8:00 on January 24, worth $29.90 million, accounting for 1.43% o...
据 Token Unlocks 数据,FTN、IMX 等代币将于本周迎来大额解锁,其中: · Fasttoken (FTN) 将于 1 月 21 日 8:00 解锁 2000 万枚,价值 7620 万美元,占流通量 4.67%; · Metars Genesis (MRS) 将于 1 月 22 日 8:00 解锁 1000 万枚,价值 3140 万美元,占流通量 11.87%; · Immutable (IMX) 将于 1 月 24 日 8:00 解锁 2452 万枚,价值 2990 万美元,占流通量 1.43%; · AltLayer (ALT) 将于 1 月 25 日 18:00 解锁 2.4 亿枚,价值 2180 万美元,占流通量 10.39%; · ApeX (APEX) 将于 1 月...
Token Unlocks数据显示,ONDO、CHEEL、CONX代币将于下周(北京时间1月13日至1月19日)迎来大额解锁,其中: Ondo(ONDO)将于1月18日上午8点解锁约19.4亿枚代币,占现流通量的134.21%,价值约24.1亿美元; Cheelee(CHEEL)将于1月13日上午8点解锁约2081万枚代币,价值约1.69亿美元; Connex(CONX)将于1月15日上午8点解锁约433万枚代币,占现流通量的376.3%,价值约8580万美元; Arbitrum(ARB)将于1月...
Token Unlocks data shows that APT, MOVE, KAS and other tokens will be unlocked in large quantities next week, including: Movement (MOVE) will unlock about 50 million tokens at 8:00 pm Beijing time on January 9, with a ratio of 2.22% to the current circulation and a value of about 53 million US dollars; (IO) will unlock about 3.22 million tokens at 8pm Beijing time on January 11, with a ratio of 2.50% to the current circulation and a value of about $11.80 million; Kaspa (KAS) will unlock a...
According to Token Unlocks data, SUI, OP, ZETA and other tokens will be unlocked in large quantities next week (December 30-January 5), including: Sui (SUI) will unlock about 64.19 million tokens, representing 2.19% of the current circulation and worth about $270 million, on January 1 at 8 a.m. Optimism (OP) will unlock approximately 31.34 million tokens, representing 2.32% of the current circulation and worth approximately $58.60 million, on December 31 at 8 a.m. ZetaChain (ZETA) will unlock ap...
据Token Unlocks数据,SUI、OP、ZETA等代币将于下周(12月30日-1月5日)迎来大额解锁,其中: Sui(SUI)将于1月1日上午8点解锁约6419万枚代币,占现流通量的2.19%,价值约2.7亿美元; Optimism(OP)将于12月31日上午8点解锁约3134万枚代币,占现流通量的2.32%,价值约5860万美元; ZetaChain(ZETA)将于1月1日上午8点解锁约5389万枚代币,占现流通量的9.35%,价值约3200万美元; Bel...
According to Token Unlocks data, this week IMX, DBX, IMX and other tokens will be unlocked in large quantities, including: · Ethena (ENA) will unlock about 12.86 million tokens at 15:00 on December 25, Beijing time, with a ratio of 0.44% to the current circulation and a value of about 13.22 million US dollars; · Cardano (ADA) will unlock about 18.53 million tokens at 8:00 on December 26, Beijing time, with a ratio of 0.05% to the current circulation and a value of about 16.30 million US dollar...
据 Token Unlocks 数据,本周IMX、DBX、IMX等代币将迎大额解锁,其中: · Ethena(ENA)将于北京时间 12 月 25 日 15 时解锁约 1286 万枚代币,与现流通量的比例为 0.44%,价值约 1322 万美元; · Cardano(ADA)将于北京时间 12 月 26 日 8 时解锁约 1853 万枚代币,与现流通量的比例为 0.05%,价值约 1630 万美元; · Immutable(IMX)将于北京时间 12 月 27 日 8 时解锁约 2452 万枚代币,与现流通量的比例为...
According to TokenUnlocks data, this week APT, STRK and SEI will usher in a one-time large amount of tokens to unlock, with a total value of more than 200 million US dollars, including: Aptos (APT) will unlock 11.31 million tokens at 0:00 on December 12, worth about $163 million, accounting for 2.11% of the circulation; Starknet (STRK) will unlock 64 million tokens at 8:00 on December 15, worth about $49.51 million, accounting for 2.83% of the circulation; Sei (SEI) will unlock 55.56 million tok...
据TokenUnlocks数据显示,本周APT、STRK及SEI等将迎来代币一次性大额解锁,总计释放价值超2亿美元,其中: Aptos(APT)将于12月12日0:00解锁1131万枚代币,价值约1.63亿美元,占流通量的2.11%; Starknet(STRK)将于12月15日8:00解锁6400万枚代币,价值约4951万美元,占流通量的2.83%; Sei(SEI)将于12月15日20:00解锁5556万枚代币,价值约3824万美元,占流通量的1.39%; Cardano(ADA)将于12月1...